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What Is The Purpose of Life?

Would you like to know the absolutely true purpose of life? Then stick around, because this article is going to answer the following questions: Why are we here? Does man’s life have a purpose? Where is the purpose of my life? What is the point of life if everyone dies? I won’t build up any…

Financial Statements and How to Write Them

If you ever struggled to write or understand financial statements for your daycare this video answers the following questions: But before we get started, welcome to I Am Lean to anyone who knew to my business. I’m Ms. Tamara the President of I Am Lean and I help Daycare Owners spend less time in the…

What Are Standard Operating Procedures?

Standard Operating Procedures or “standardized documents” or SOP’s are the documents that help ensure the Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, and People metrics that you have established in your daycare are being adhered to. These documents define and govern how the daycare is ran, what the expectations are of the staff, how communication is done with…

Top 5 Questions Every CEO Should Know the Answer to

What’s your biggest issue? I mean in your organization what is the biggest problem you have? How do you know? Knowing your biggest issue is the first question every CEO should be able to answer. I’m not talking about what you feel like the biggest issue is or what’s been in the news lately. I’m…

How do you increase your salary as a daycare director?

Daycare directors come in all forms. From those who work for large corporations with thousands of kids enrolled, to the home daycare owner with less than thirteen kids enrolled, to teachers seeking a promotion. However, many current daycare directors are really owners responsible to set the agenda for what and how goals will be accomplished…


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