What Is The Purpose of Life?

Would you like to know the absolutely true purpose of life? Then stick around, because this article is going to answer the following questions: Why are we here? Does man’s life have a purpose? Where is the purpose of my life? What is the point of life if everyone dies? I won’t build up any suspense. Here is the quick answer to the question: What is the purpose of life?

#1. Know that you are loved and were created by a loving God who wants to give you a thousand times more than what you have right now.

#2. Count each of your gifts and talents, then use them to benefit the lives of His people, the poor of the Earth. Your talents will grow and get perfected in the process. Your gifts will open doors for you to share them.

#3. Repeat steps 1 & 2. Know that you are loved and love Him by loving His people and helping them with food, clothes, advice, healing, etc.

Matthew Chapter 25 is the proof of this information.

Now, that we’ve answered your question, the rest of the article will be dedicated to explaining how we know your purpose without ever meeting you and asking you anything about yourself. It will also give more detail into each of the answers and guidance of action steps you can take today to work towards your purpose and a few resources that will help you get started.

But first, if you are knew to I Am Lean or the From Cursed to Blessed Ministries, Welcome. I’m your sister Tamara, a bible teacher and lean strategist, with over 20 years of experience teaching bible lessons and project management. The vision of my work is for everyone to be who they were meant to be, start a ministry or business then partner with I Am Lean to systematize it. Please feel free to like or comment on the article if you have learned something. Please subscribe to receive a gift – my Free 10 Video Course on Biblical Foundations, emailed to you one video a day for ten days.

Where to Find Your Purpose

Your purpose is not anything foreign to you. You don’t have to go on some great quest to the mountains to find it. All you have to do is consider two things: Your raw talent and your life’s experiences. These two things are with you everyday. They are there when you awake and when you go to sleep. They are unique to you, so there is no need to “Be Like Mike”. You just have to be like you.

Consider Your Raw Talent

Your raw talent is anything you can naturally do: Music, Art, Dance, Drama, Mechanical Ability, Creativity, Speaking, Writing, Agility, Running, Ect. Your purpose is wrapped up in your natural abilities. The problem is often that we don’t look to our raw talent because of this one question: What do you want to be when you grow up? Children are asked this question over and over again and it is very detrimental. We are trained up to believe that we have to pick something to become like a doctor or a lawyer. We teach kids that they can be whoever they want to be as long as they have the grades & enough money to select it as a major in college. When in reality, the truth is that we should ask kids this question: Which talent would you like to develop first? In my new book: Strategies to Build Your Ministry I give space in the book for the reader jot down three things they do well. Go ahead and consider what your raw talent consists of. Now ask yourself: Which talent or skill would you like to develop first? Keep developing the skill until you become an expert. Then you can incorporate your next skill into your life.

Consider Your Experiences

 Our experiences also shape our purpose in life. Once again, there is no need to look at the experiences of anyone else. Your experiences are unique to you and they are more than enough for you to find you purpose in. Think about the good and bad, happy and sad moments within the following: Home life, Extended Family Relationships, Accidents, Successes, Sickness, Abuse, Achievements.

Now think about how you have overcome a situation in those moments, or achieved great success. This is your purpose as well because the things you have overcome and the successes you have achieved are not just for you. They are to be shared with others to help, encourage, motivate, and strengthen them on their journey.

All you have to do now is pick one skill, talent, or experience to develop or share. If you pick an experience, you could go volunteer, start a blog, social media message campaign, or even start a non-profit to help others to never have to experience what you have gone through. For example, people who have experienced loved ones die to cancer, volunteer, start blogs, or start foundations to help others. Once again, what ever you choose to do, don’t stop until you have made of the most of your mission.

Why Are We Here?

According to the Bible, we are here to be rule the Earth and to be good stewards over it and every gift and talent the Lord has given us. The bible says that we will be held accountable for our management of the Earth and our personal gifts and talents when the Lord returns. Jesus Christ tells us this answer over and over again in parable after parable in Matthew 25. Let’s consider the parable of the talents.

A ruler gives three servants a different amount of money, according to their abilities, then goes off into far country. The servant who received 5 talents invest his money and gains another 5 talents. The servant who received 2 talents invest his money and gains another 2 talents. But the servant who received one talent buried his talent in the Earth.

When the ruler returns he requests and account of how each servant managed what he was given. The servants who invested their money were rewarded with rulership over cities. The servant who buried his talent was called wicked and sent to slayed.

The interpretation is that the Lord has given us gifts and talents and he expects a return on his investment in us. (For help with understanding how to live according to the bible, subscribe to this page for a free 10 video series to learn Biblical Foundations: Our discipleship mission, dietary laws, reproductive laws, and the gospel message are included.)

What is the point of life if everyone dies?

In the story, the only person who died was the wicked servant. The other servants were appointed rulership over cities. The bible teaches that we will have everlasting life. When the Lord returns, he will destroy our Earth with fire and give us a New Earth and the holy city, New Jerusalem. His servants, who have invested their gifts and talents well, will have rulership in New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new Earth: for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea. Our purpose is to know that we are loved and that we have whatever we ask God for, however we should be using our gifts, talents, and experiences to further his kingdom on Earth.

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